[TRYPOPHOBIA WARNING: The following images contain artworks with clusters of holes.]

The Work and Legacy of


The following is a retrospective of the work of Shiann Nias and the different experimental eras of her work under the name ANARCHIST GALAXY; complete with the titles, her commentary, an online record if Available and a short interview following her most recent era.

Thee Era of


THE ANARCHIST GALAXY : the world beyond Earth. Its creatures chill here

Image Description: Illustrated image in full colour. The background is solid dark blue, with a bright yellow free-form, fluid shape as mid ground. There is a disembodied pair of teary eyes, with bright green tears dripping from the left one. Its mouth is agape with rounded teeth, and three indigo ghosts with lime green accents exiting from the mouth. In between them there is a bright green lock with a spiral pattern in the keyhole. One ghost on the left of it has their tongue hanging out with a dopey smile on their face, they have the same spiral pattern in their eyes as the lock. Another on the right has one eye shut tight and the other with an eyeball sliding from the socket. The third ghost above the lock has empty eye sockets and sharp teeth with a large smile. 

            11in x 11in printed on matte cardstock, Full Colour.

The Lock

"Spittin' out the demons, an underrated element of spring cleaning.""

The Record

November 9th, 2020

Image Description: The image is in full colour. The background is solid indigo. The foreground is Oddball; the head of a multi-coloured stitched head with a gold crown on with blue jewels. The face is split into sections; one solid orange, another lime green, and another dark green. Oddball has large white teeth of varying sharpness, their tongue sitting under them. Oddball has a white bandage on their nose. Their eyes seem melted, one of the pupils having the POWER sign in them. Oddball's brain is slightly exposed underneath the crown. There are 3 little blue birds flying in a circle above the head. 

            11in x 11in printed on matte cardstock, Full Colour.


"Oddball; the fusion of looney tune vertigo and digital Frankenstein."

The Record

November 1st, 2020

Thank You Card

Anarchist Galaxy Thank You Card

"It's just a Thank You card"

No Record Available

February 11th, 2021

Image Description: The image is in full colour. The majority is made up of shades of dark and bright green. The background is solid dark green. The foreground is a frontal view of two older models of TTC subway trains. One named 'Kipling' (left) the other 'Kennedy' (right). The trains are animated to have giant eyeballs in the windows. Kipling has his mouth on top of the front bumper, smiling with his teeth together and with his tongue hanging from the side. Kennedy's top and bottom half are separated to reveal his teeth, some of which are gold. Both appear to have some rust and slight damage to them. The glint in their eyes is gold.

Kipling & Kennedy

"The old trains still run on the Line 2, going to Kipling or Kennedy. Toronto humans find them nostalgic."

The Record

February 11th, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a dark blue space suit stands in front of a sky blue background. Their antenna is crooked into a jagged spiral. In place of their face is two rows of teeth and red gums, open wide. The rectangular teeth are spaced out, varying in size, adorned with braces. The top and bottom of this mouth are linked together by two chains, one of which is broken. Inside the mouth is a Dudley style lock and three coins. The astronaut is wearing a pearl necklace wrapped around them, dipped into a tip jar they're holding. The tip jar is full of red paint. The spacesuit has oven dials, three screws, and a lightbulb dripping paint on the arms. There is a windup key on their back.


"Reginald here came outta space Ice'd out (it's cold in space)"

The Record

March 2nd, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a lime green space suit stands in front of a pink background. In place of their face a giant eyeball, taking up the entire face. Within the pupil is a wispy silhouette of a ghost. The astronaut is wearing a pair of glasses, smaller than the eyeball. The spacesuit has a smiley-face sewn into it, and a large rectangular device on its torso, which seemingly has a face made of two buttons and a slight smile with small teeth. The device is attached to two large pipes leading back into the suit. There are small thin wires coming out of its top. A small slit in the suit reveals leakage. 

            The colour palette is pink, sky blue, lime green, and yellow. The outline is a solid Black.


"Blinky, found floating in space - bad idea in hind(sight)"

The Record

January 29th, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a bright green space suit stands in front of a red background. Their antenna is bent twice in sharp angles. The helmet is a translucent lighter green. There is a large crack in the helmet revealing that the liquid inside is yellow. There is a straw poking in it, with some of the fluid leaking out of it. The astronaut has two bulging red eyes, looking in different slightly directions, with leaking the fluid. The astronaut is frowning, dimpled, with a single sharp tooth visible. The spacesuit is leaking out of the bottom of the helmet. There is the dial of a submarine hatch on the front of it. There is a leaking vent over the heart area. The suit has a zipper, a stitch, and a red button on its arms. The astronaut has a red video game console tucked under one arm with a spiral cord attached to it. There is also a fishing pole wrapped around the other arm, the hook being caught in the helmet. Four tentacles are peaking from behind the astronaut and out of the console. 

            The colour palette is red, bright green, lime green and yellow. The outline is a solid Black.


"Gone Fishing, fishing in space"

The Record

February 18th, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a purple space suit stands in front of an orange background. The helmet of the suit has an opaque Black screen. Breaking through the screen, cracking it, are three large daisies; one smiling wide with two gold teeth, another sighing with its eyes closed, and a third with Blacked out eyes, drooling and snarling. The astronaut, though has no visible hands, is holding a bouquet of small daisies. There also daisies growing out of a rip in the suit. Underneath their arm, is a bottle with orange fluid in it, with a nozzle for a watering can, and a cord being fed into another small hole in the suit. There is a small computer device being worn like a bracelet. The suit has one orange patch sewn in.

            The colour palette is orange, purple, yellow, white and black. The outline is a solid Black.


"When lost in space, stop and smell the flowers, if space has flowers..."

The Record

February 14th, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a purple blue space suit stands in front of a sky blue background. Their antenna is slightly crooked. In place of their face is a mouth with two rows of pointy, slightly cracked teeth, open wide. In side the open mouth is a television with the screen reading 'NO SIGNAL' and two batteries, one bigger one thinner. The astronaut is wearing a device around their neck with a chord. The device itself has a Black screen reading 'CHOMP.' There is ripped hole in the suit where the device should be. The suit is fitted with bandages wrapped on one arm and small multi-coloured buttons on the other. There are coloured patches sewn in.

            The colour palette is magenta, sky blue, yellow, and black. The outline is a solid Black.


"Chewy ate all the batteries... yes there are batteries in space"

The Record

February 1st, 2021

Image Description: An astronaut, in a sky blue space suit stands in front of an orange background. Their antenna is slightly crooked diagonally. In place of their face is two rows of teeth, and a long lolling tongue hanging out the open mouth. Dripping from the roof of the mouth is yellow drool. There are two blue lollipops standing up inside the mouth. There is yellow fluid leaking from the bottom of the helmet. The one of the astronaut's arm is bandaged revealing bone due to a section of the arm being missing. A zipper in the suit reveals small eyeball inside the suit. Another zipper, worms. There is a larger eyeball in the centre of the suit, attached to small pipping. A Polaroid picture is stuck on one of the arms with yellow goo.

            The colour palette is orange, yellow-orange, pink, sky blue, white, and black. The outline is a solid Black.


"Gore, found floating in space... gross."

The Record

March 1st, 2021


The Era of the Digital Media


has Arrived.

"A revolution is afoot in the galaxy. Where is Chewy's face? We do not know. It is just teeth. Chewy has swallowed some batteries."


Image 1

"Spy right out of Hell." #blackart #anarchist #ink #sketch #aliens #space #astronauts #wacom #digitalartist #monster #micron #micronpen #monster #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

March 11th, 2021


Image 2

"Remember it's me, not that guy in the picture.) #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #ASTROgore #anarchist #space #astronauts #candy #gore #teeth #gross#flowing #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

March 12th, 2021


Image 3

"Attention! Do not copy, modify or distribute, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, any part of this watch face. #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #data #dataart #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

March 13th, 2021


Image 4

"Established in 1974, the Astronaut Hotel is a friendly, fun-filled place to unwind. An AstroWatch is not required to stay at the Astronaut Hotel; however, we do encourage members of the public to do so. AstroWatch is not a guarantee of being happy at the Astronaut Hotel, nor is it a guarantee of being a good person."

The Record

March 14th, 2021


Image 5

"Cancel" rating. Hell yeah, respect the hustle."

The Record

March 15th, 2021


Image 6

"Half skeleton with mouth full of ice. (Ref)"

The Record

March 16th, 2021


Image 7

"initiative ritual." Each morning, the nine-person crew of the space exploration vessel Earth Chewy was given a task: find a way to get to the Astronaut Chewy's planet (space #34337), where he has been "aggressively vibing." "

The Record

March 17th, 2021


Image 8

"End consultation with patient." #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #blackandwhite #micron #micronpen Playing "Keep up?" No problem!"

The Record

March 18th, 2021


Image 9

"Symptom: Rapid eye movement (REM).. The experience has been described as "alarming," "creative," "alarming," "alarming," "alarming," "alarming," "creatured.""

The Record

March 19th, 2021


Era of Something I Scribbled - I Don't Know What They are but I


AstroWatch has been on red alert since.

Blob 1

"Roll Hardware mistreats its own customers. #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #data #dataart #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 3rd, 2021

Blob 2

"Emergency student #34337 Thank you #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

March 29th, 2021

Blob 3

"Eternal silence." Page 6 - "Swelling." #blackart #anarchist #ink #wacom #digitalartist #pop #swell #eye #allergies"

The Record

March 31st, 2021

Blob 4

"Incentive #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #cash #money #broke"Television is Dead" #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 19th, 2021

Blob 5

"Tap pluck relate to this image. Done in digital ink. #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #inktober #inktober2018 #ink #day14 #timeAstronaut #740 #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 20th, 2021

Blob 6

"Trust this was fun. Aight I need ghost names in the comments #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 21st, 2021

Blob 7

"Tap pluck relate to this image. Done in digital ink. #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #inktober #inktober2018 #ink #day14 #timeAstronaut #740 #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 22nd, 2021

Blob 8

"End consultation with patient." #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #blackandwhite #micron #micronpen Playing "Keep up?" No problem! #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 23rd, 2021

Blob 9

"Mobile perfect for gatherings, student lunches, and more! #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 24th, 2021


The Era of the


is here!

Spaceship #aliens #space #astronauts #wacom #digitalartist #monster

MachineAnim A

"Substitute: "🌻🌻🌻." #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 25th, 2021

MachineAnim B

"destruction drawing representative of oppression. Each piece is a digital ink illustration of (often displeased) faces, monsters, planets, and machines, coloured and distorted using their own Instagram interaction data." #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 26th, 2021

MachineAnim C

"Wound #337 - "Refund." #blackart #anarchist #ink #wacom #digitalartist #pop #snakeTHREE PLANETS. (Colour pending.) #blackart #anarchist #ink #wacom #digitalartist #pop #twitch #space #planet #astronautsBREAKING: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the flying grandpa was talking about! #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

The Record

April 26th, 2021

MachineAnim D

"trait neighbourhood faction." Policies & Tactics #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #data #dataart #vigenerecipher #covid #covidart #covid19"Rage on the Green Planet" #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

No Record Available


MachineAnim E

"A star is a star... if you're readibfwldhskxj dhdidjw0qoeujs-- #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

No Record Available


MachineAnim F

"Big premiere issue! On this week's lineup: "OH, THE HORROR!" "Space Jamz." "Daisy & Sons Presents : "OH, THE HORROR!" Page 4 - "Expired." #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

No Record Available


MachineAnim G

"Cage wake up caller." #blackart #anarchist #wacom #digitalartist #pop #IAmTheArtistIPromise"

No Record Available


Interview with the Artist

[ Your Mode of Practice ]

My Mode of Practice is - "I'm not a problem." - "All Seeing" (Drafts to the right.)

[ Your Method ]

My method is simple. I record what I see, and I do whatever I can to fix it.

[ Your Reasoning ]

I chose this because I like black art (and I love black media, so why wouldn't I?)

[ The Greater Context ]

The greater context of analysis is the interaction of these two major themes: power and context. When viewed as a series of interconnected pieces, "Black media theory" describes the construction of a digital black media theory of representation theory. Each piece is a digital ink illustration of (often displeased) faces, monsters, planets, and machines, coloured and distorted using their own Instagram interaction data.

[ Why You Do This ]

I'm doing this because I'm not rich. I'm not famous. I'm not famous (at risk of being "the famous") In summary : If my blackness, in all it's glory, upsets you, THAT'S ON YOU. I'm not carrying that shxt.

[ Are you the Artist? ]

I am the artist that scribbled this comic.